Caller ID policies to mask user number with Resource account number in MS Teams

Masking caller id is one among the standard phone system feature. When MS Teams user call someone on PSTN number, organization want to show the the common phone number e.g. call from reception should show reception desk number instead of user personal number. When browse & navigate to the Caller ID Policy from Teams admin portal, we don’t have option to select a Resource Account number. We have to make use of Teams PowerShell to assign resource account to caller ID policy then to the user.

  • Create Calling Line Identity or Caller ID policy.
New-CsCallingLineIdentity  -Identity OutboundfromReception -Description "Reception Mask"
  • Get the Resource account details and store it onto a variable. Then assign the resource account to to newly created caller ID policy.
$ResourceAccount = Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -Identity

Set-CsCallingLineIdentity -Identity OutboundfromReception -CallingIDSubstitute resource -ResourceAccount $ResourceAccount.ObjectId
  • Last stage is apply the caller ID policy to the user.
Grant-CsCallingLineIdentity -Identity "" -PolicyName "OutboundfromReception"
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